Simple Home Candida Test
The Candida Saliva Test has been around a long time and is thought to be quite reliable in the evaluation of Candida overgrowth:
[Saliva Candida test Illustration] The Facts: Up to 85% of Americans May Have Candida Overgrowth- DO YOU?
Fill a clear glass with water and place it by your bed at night. When you wake in the morning, work up a bit of saliva and spit into the clear glass of water. It is important that nothing enters your mouth or touches your lips before you do this. Do not drink any water, do not brush your teeth and do not kiss your partner. (I'm sure they will understand just this one time!) Immediately make note of how the saliva looks. Check again 5 minutes later. Then Check the glass every 15 minutes for 1 hour.
RESULTS: What to look for
Healthy saliva will be clear, it will float on top and it will slowly dissolve into the water without any cloudiness and without sinking. There are normally some bubbles or foam present.
Saliva that contains candida will have one or more characteristics that point to overgrowth:
Strings traveling down to the bottom of the glass
Cloudy saliva that sinks to the bottom of the glass
Cloudy specks suspended in the water
Note: The more strings and cloudiness there are, and the faster it develops, the greater the Candida Albicans overgrowth.
Why does this work?
Candida overgrowth begins in the colon. Over time, as the fungal yeast multiplies it begins to migrate through the digestive tract, moving up into the small intestine, then the stomach (bloating, indigestion), up the esophagus and into the mouth. If it becomes strongly entrenched there you can see a white film on your tongue and inside your cheeks(thrush). Once it has moved up to the mouth and you spit into a glass of water the yeast will sink because it is heavier than water. If there is no yeast it will float on top. If you test positive for candida make sure you find out why you have overgrowth and then follow our specific nutritional protocol.
The Candida Saliva Test has been around a long time and is thought to be quite reliable in the evaluation of Candida overgrowth:
[Saliva Candida test Illustration] The Facts: Up to 85% of Americans May Have Candida Overgrowth- DO YOU?
Fill a clear glass with water and place it by your bed at night. When you wake in the morning, work up a bit of saliva and spit into the clear glass of water. It is important that nothing enters your mouth or touches your lips before you do this. Do not drink any water, do not brush your teeth and do not kiss your partner. (I'm sure they will understand just this one time!) Immediately make note of how the saliva looks. Check again 5 minutes later. Then Check the glass every 15 minutes for 1 hour.
RESULTS: What to look for
Healthy saliva will be clear, it will float on top and it will slowly dissolve into the water without any cloudiness and without sinking. There are normally some bubbles or foam present.
Saliva that contains candida will have one or more characteristics that point to overgrowth:
Strings traveling down to the bottom of the glass
Cloudy saliva that sinks to the bottom of the glass
Cloudy specks suspended in the water
Note: The more strings and cloudiness there are, and the faster it develops, the greater the Candida Albicans overgrowth.
Why does this work?
Candida overgrowth begins in the colon. Over time, as the fungal yeast multiplies it begins to migrate through the digestive tract, moving up into the small intestine, then the stomach (bloating, indigestion), up the esophagus and into the mouth. If it becomes strongly entrenched there you can see a white film on your tongue and inside your cheeks(thrush). Once it has moved up to the mouth and you spit into a glass of water the yeast will sink because it is heavier than water. If there is no yeast it will float on top. If you test positive for candida make sure you find out why you have overgrowth and then follow our specific nutritional protocol.