Why is the GUT so important?
Did you know that many diseases can be traced to a breakdown in the gastrointestinal tract? 70 percent of your immune system resides in this area – your gut, and the GI tract has many important functions for your health including digestion, nutrient absorption, elimination, detoxification, hormone metabolism and energy production. 99% of the neurotransmitters in your body are actually created in the intestine (part of your GI tract), and every brain chemical known as a neurotransmitter is found there. This means the GI tract, or gut, plays a very important role in achieving optimal thyroid health, hormone balance, emotional stability, immune function, sleeping patterns and more.
An imbalance in the bacteria ratio (of good vs. bad) in the GI tract (dysbiosis) can lead to poor function. This explains why so many patients with low thyroid, depression, anxiety, hormone imbalance, and sleeping problems also have digestive problems and yet sometimes normal blood chemistry panels.
How to Determine if You Have a Digestive Problem
If you are having digestive problems, there is a good chance that it is affecting other functions. Bloating after meals, gas, cramping, loose stools, constipation, burping, heartburn, and inconsistent stool formation can all be signs of a digestive problem. You can begin to see if you have digestive problems by doing an easy test at home. This is known as the transit time test.
Performing the Transit Time Test
Food should pass through your intestines in 18-24 hours. If it takes longer than twenty-four hours, there is something wrong with your digestive tract. This easy to do test can be done at home to measure food transit time.
Purchase a product called “activated charcoal” which is an inert substance and will turn your stool black or dark gray.
Swallow four capsules with a meal and write down the day and time that you take the capsules.
Observe your stool until you see black or dark gray stool appear. At this point, write down the day and the time. Look at the time that you originally swallowed the capsules and the time that you see the dark stool and write down the total time it took for this to happen. If it took longer than twenty-four hours, you have some work to do on your digestive tract. If it took less than 18 hours, that may also be a problem meaning that there is something irritating the digestive tract causing increased peristalsis.
Get a Full Analysis
The best way to determine if you have problems in your digestive tract is to complete a stool analysis. This will be ordered by your functional medicine physician. This test will tell you if you have any infections that could be affecting your health. It also tells you how well you are digesting food, if you are absorbing the food you are eating, if you have any yeast overgrowth, parasites, fungus, and/or mold and whether you have an inflammatory bowel versus an irritable bowel. It even tests for gluten intolerance. This test will also reveal if you have intestinal dysbiosis which is basically an imbalance in the bacterial colonies in the gut. This test is vital for everyone who has autoimmune because of the possible infectious triggers in the gut.
How to Address Imbalances in a Stool Analysis
If there are any imbalances found in the stool analysis, the following guidelines should be followed:
The “4 R’s” to Repair Gastrointestinal Dysfunction:
Remove: Eliminate known food allergens such as gluten, dairy, eggs, soy, peanuts, etc. Blood testing can pinpoint food reactions. Alcohol, caffeine and NSAIDS should be avoided as well. A stool analysis will diagnose infections that can be eliminated with natural medicines or medications.
Repair: Supplements to repair the intestinal barrier are taken.
Replace: Hydrochloric acid and pancreatic enzymes offer digestive support.
Reinoculate: Probiotics that contain friendly bacteria such as lactobacillus and bifidobacterium are taken to reinoculate proper bacterial colonies.
If you or someone you love is suffering from: GUT issues, THYROID problems, HORMONE imbalance,DEPRESSION, ANXIETY, SLEEP disturbances, or any other issue listed on our website, please call 925-718-8759 to find out how you can find the CAUSE of the problem and eliminate it.
Edited from Dr. Nikolas R. Hedberg, D.C., D.A.B.C.I.
Did you know that many diseases can be traced to a breakdown in the gastrointestinal tract? 70 percent of your immune system resides in this area – your gut, and the GI tract has many important functions for your health including digestion, nutrient absorption, elimination, detoxification, hormone metabolism and energy production. 99% of the neurotransmitters in your body are actually created in the intestine (part of your GI tract), and every brain chemical known as a neurotransmitter is found there. This means the GI tract, or gut, plays a very important role in achieving optimal thyroid health, hormone balance, emotional stability, immune function, sleeping patterns and more.
An imbalance in the bacteria ratio (of good vs. bad) in the GI tract (dysbiosis) can lead to poor function. This explains why so many patients with low thyroid, depression, anxiety, hormone imbalance, and sleeping problems also have digestive problems and yet sometimes normal blood chemistry panels.
How to Determine if You Have a Digestive Problem
If you are having digestive problems, there is a good chance that it is affecting other functions. Bloating after meals, gas, cramping, loose stools, constipation, burping, heartburn, and inconsistent stool formation can all be signs of a digestive problem. You can begin to see if you have digestive problems by doing an easy test at home. This is known as the transit time test.
Performing the Transit Time Test
Food should pass through your intestines in 18-24 hours. If it takes longer than twenty-four hours, there is something wrong with your digestive tract. This easy to do test can be done at home to measure food transit time.
Purchase a product called “activated charcoal” which is an inert substance and will turn your stool black or dark gray.
Swallow four capsules with a meal and write down the day and time that you take the capsules.
Observe your stool until you see black or dark gray stool appear. At this point, write down the day and the time. Look at the time that you originally swallowed the capsules and the time that you see the dark stool and write down the total time it took for this to happen. If it took longer than twenty-four hours, you have some work to do on your digestive tract. If it took less than 18 hours, that may also be a problem meaning that there is something irritating the digestive tract causing increased peristalsis.
Get a Full Analysis
The best way to determine if you have problems in your digestive tract is to complete a stool analysis. This will be ordered by your functional medicine physician. This test will tell you if you have any infections that could be affecting your health. It also tells you how well you are digesting food, if you are absorbing the food you are eating, if you have any yeast overgrowth, parasites, fungus, and/or mold and whether you have an inflammatory bowel versus an irritable bowel. It even tests for gluten intolerance. This test will also reveal if you have intestinal dysbiosis which is basically an imbalance in the bacterial colonies in the gut. This test is vital for everyone who has autoimmune because of the possible infectious triggers in the gut.
How to Address Imbalances in a Stool Analysis
If there are any imbalances found in the stool analysis, the following guidelines should be followed:
The “4 R’s” to Repair Gastrointestinal Dysfunction:
Remove: Eliminate known food allergens such as gluten, dairy, eggs, soy, peanuts, etc. Blood testing can pinpoint food reactions. Alcohol, caffeine and NSAIDS should be avoided as well. A stool analysis will diagnose infections that can be eliminated with natural medicines or medications.
Repair: Supplements to repair the intestinal barrier are taken.
Replace: Hydrochloric acid and pancreatic enzymes offer digestive support.
Reinoculate: Probiotics that contain friendly bacteria such as lactobacillus and bifidobacterium are taken to reinoculate proper bacterial colonies.
If you or someone you love is suffering from: GUT issues, THYROID problems, HORMONE imbalance,DEPRESSION, ANXIETY, SLEEP disturbances, or any other issue listed on our website, please call 925-718-8759 to find out how you can find the CAUSE of the problem and eliminate it.
Edited from Dr. Nikolas R. Hedberg, D.C., D.A.B.C.I.