The Dangers of GMO foods
If GMO (Genetically Modified Organism) foods are so bad for us, why haven’t we seen more scientific studies to back this up? Don’t we need GMO foods to be able to feed all the people on this planet? Unless you have purposefully investigated this subject, you’re not likely to run across many publicized studies that demonstrate just how deadly GMO foods are. And there’s a good reason for that. Just as with most of our food supply, the manufacturers don’t want you to know what’s in it…or how it’s being made. But the deceit and the “cloak and dagger” secrecy behind GMO foods is frightening once you begin to hear about some of the facts.
Monsanto is the company behind the technology of GMO foods, and you’ll be receiving articles and documentaries that detail some of their dealings with farmers and their crops. They have destroyed many farmers’ lives who have tried to stand up to them – refusing to grow their crops. Unfortunately, GMO seeds cross-contaminate surrounding crops, and once they’ve been infected, Monsanto legally forces the farmers to shut down their operations through fines from patent infringement.
First, let’s discuss how GMO foods have been slipped into our food supply without the FDA so much as requiring any safety testing, and given Monsanto carte blanche with these deadly products.
Below is an article by S.D. Wells with his plea to the public to stop Michael Taylor, former Monsanto VP, from becoming FDA’s Senior Advisor.
If GMO (Genetically Modified Organism) foods are so bad for us, why haven’t we seen more scientific studies to back this up? Don’t we need GMO foods to be able to feed all the people on this planet? Unless you have purposefully investigated this subject, you’re not likely to run across many publicized studies that demonstrate just how deadly GMO foods are. And there’s a good reason for that. Just as with most of our food supply, the manufacturers don’t want you to know what’s in it…or how it’s being made. But the deceit and the “cloak and dagger” secrecy behind GMO foods is frightening once you begin to hear about some of the facts.
Monsanto is the company behind the technology of GMO foods, and you’ll be receiving articles and documentaries that detail some of their dealings with farmers and their crops. They have destroyed many farmers’ lives who have tried to stand up to them – refusing to grow their crops. Unfortunately, GMO seeds cross-contaminate surrounding crops, and once they’ve been infected, Monsanto legally forces the farmers to shut down their operations through fines from patent infringement.
First, let’s discuss how GMO foods have been slipped into our food supply without the FDA so much as requiring any safety testing, and given Monsanto carte blanche with these deadly products.
Below is an article by S.D. Wells with his plea to the public to stop Michael Taylor, former Monsanto VP, from becoming FDA’s Senior Advisor.
Help stop former Monsanto VP from attaining top position at the FDA - sign the petition
Thursday, February 02, 2012 by: S. D. Wells
Tags: Michael Taylor, Monsanto, FDA
(NaturalNews) The one man who may be responsible for more food related illnesses and deaths than anyone in history, Michael R. Taylor, has just been promoted from US Food Safety Czar to Senior Advisor to the Commissioner of the FDA, a position which would enable the giant biotech company Monsanto to silently and legally feed cancer causing vegetables to every living person who is not 100% strictly organic.
President Obama has appointed the former Monsanto Vice President and lobbyist Michael R. Taylor to the throne. This is the same man who was Food Safety Czar for the FDA when Genetically Modified Organisms were allowed into the US food supply without undergoing a single test to determine their safety or risks. This is like putting a terrorist in charge of the world's food supply. What will the cancer numbers look like in 2016? (
The GMO nightmare all started with the Dan Quayle led FDA/GMO marriage. Under George Bush Senior's Administration from 1989 to 1993, Dan Quayle single-handedly catapulted GMO's into existence through FDA's anti-consumer right-to-know policy, which stated that GMO foods did not have to be labeled or safety tested. Yes, you read that correctly: There is no safety testing required whatsoever to take some Agent Orange pesticide and genetically mutate the seeds of vegetables in a chemical laboratory so that nothing on planet earth will eat the plant that grows from the ground except for all the humans who have no idea what happened.
Michael Taylor is part of a revolving door at the FDA, where Monsanto Execs just come and go as they please. First, Michael R. Taylor was an assistant to the FDA commissioner. Then he left to work for a law firm in the 1980's to help gain FDA approval of Monsanto's artificial growth hormone (rGBH), which is directly linked to cancer. Then he became deputy commissioner of the FDA in 1991, and was later re-appointed to the FDA in 2009 by Obama. He is the food villain who tried his best to keep this "malignant milk of the turn of the century" from being labeled.
Michael Taylor is the epitome of everything Monsanto represents. Taylor is like a vehicle for Monsanto's patenting of seeds and global domination of farming. He implements the government's "favorable" agricultural biotech policies because it's much more of a financially sure shot to use RoundUp in food than to farm organically and ethically. If the investments aren't paying enough at the corporation, Execs just switch over to Federal Regulations and write some new Legislation based on "tainted research", which allows them to pile more toxins on the American public and bankroll off it when they flip back to the corporate side.
The 4-headed Administration of thieves
This marks the pinnacle so far of a long ascent of evil profiteering and corporate executives making it to the top. It's like one big 4-headed company of thieves: The FDA, EPA, Supreme Court, and Monsanto's Board of Executives, and these organization hoppers include Clarence Thomas, Michael R. Taylor, Ann Veneman, and Linda Fisher, who conveniently bounce back and forth between positions at Monsanto and the EPA.
Here are just a few examples in case you didn't know: Prior to being the Supreme Court Judge who put G.W. Bush in office, Clarence Thomas was Monsanto's lawyer. The U.S. Secretary of Agriculture, Anne Veneman, was on the Board of Directors of Monsanto's Calgene Corporation. The U.S. Secretary of Health, Tommy Thompson, received $50,000 in donations from Monsanto during his winning campaign for Wisconsin's governor. The two congressmen receiving the most donations from Monsanto during the last election were Larry Combest, Chairman of the House Agricultural Committee, and Attorney General John Ashcroft. The prior Secretary of Defense, Donald Rumsfeld, was on the Board of Directors of Monsanto's Searle Pharmaceuticals.
Monsanto has the money to win in court and/or settle with anyone who opposes them. Monsanto has been sued and has settled multiple times for damaging the health of its employees and residents near its Superfund sites through pollution and poisoning. A report released in June 2011 linked glyphosate (RoundUp) to birth defects in frog and chicken embryos at dilutions much lower than those used in typical agricultural spraying (including home gardens). (
Silent Anti-Nutritional Terrorism
FDA scientists once contended that genetic modification of the food supply is the "single most radical and potentially dangerous threat to public health." In addition to producing GMO foods, Monsanto pushes dozens of other toxic products such as aspartame, bovine growth hormone, Agent Orange, Dioxin, DDT, and Roundup - all of which cause birth defects and deformities.
Constitutional checks and balances are gone for the most part in the United States, especially when it comes to writing ethical policies regarding the environment, food, medicine and drinking water. The FDA and Corporations should not bleed over into one another, and the whole concept of lobbying is just a glorified form of "legal bribery."
Monsanto conveniently tramples on antitrust violations, which the Justice Department has supposedly been investigating for years. The Supreme Court of France found Monsanto guilty of falsely advertising Roundup as "biodegradable" and "environmentally friendly." The New York State Attorney General sued Monsanto and won in 1997 for claiming RoundUp was, "safer than table salt and "practically non-toxic" to mammals, birds, and fish. More than enough scientific research reveals glyphosate, the active ingredient in RoundUp, is "acutely toxic to fish and birds and can kill beneficial insects and soil organisms that maintain ecological balance."
On two other occasions, the EPA has caught scientists deliberately falsifying test results at research laboratories hired by Monsanto to study glyphosate.
This is not just another case of a ruthless tyrant trying to become the CEO of some big company, this could be end of organic food as we know it. If Taylor takes the position of Head of the FDA, have no doubts that keeping your own seeds to any eatable plant will soon be illegal. This will endanger all of humanity by "putting all of our eggs in one basket," because GMO seeds die after one year of growth; therefore, if a Nuclear bomb wipes out their facilities and seed storages, we would have zero growth of food from that point on. That's mass genocide. Plus, illnesses from GMO foods include changes in major organs, hormonal, immune, digestive, and reproductive systems.
Does FDA stand for "Food as Drugs for America?"
Monsanto and GMO toxic bioengineering dominates the production of food through the DNA manipulation and mutation of seeds, and the unethical growing and breeding of animals, fish, and crops in the USA right now at 80% or higher: Cows, chickens, pigs, turkeys, "farm raised fish" (which means they're all juiced up with hormones and antibiotics in an overcrowded lake), milk, corn, soybeans, alfalfa (as chem-feed for cows), canola, tobacco and cotton (to infect the skin since the skin is your largest organ). GMO should be called GDDO - "genetically diseased and dying" organisms. (
What will America and the rest of the world be like when food is 95 - 98% GMO? It's not that far away if Taylor solidifies his FDA position. How high will that drive the price of organic food? This is more powerful than bombs. This is population control. Pfizer, the world's largest pharmaceutical company now basically owns Monsanto ... another big surprise, right? Combine that with FDA control over legislation and talk about the "evil tri-fecta!"
Consumers are winning some battles, however. In the wake of mass consumer pressure, major retailers such as Safeway, Publix, Wal-Mart, and Kroger and even Starbucks banned products containing Monsanto's rBGH milk. Vegetarians and vegans are on an accelerated upward population trend. The ratios have changed drastically since the anti-GMO movement began to snowball in the early 2000's, but this corporate co-op by the powers that be in Washington D.C. is a most dispiccable example of foxes guarding the chickens.
Help prevent the food Czar from becoming FDA's Senior Advisor. This petition already has over 60,000 signatures. We need 75,000 signatures. Sign the petition now. It's not too late to prevent this latest atrocity to the future of food!
Here's the link:
( (This article is from 2012)
There's no time to waste!
Sources for this article include
Learn more:
In an interview from “The Gluten Summit” hosted by Dr. Tom O’Bryan on Nov. 16, 2013, Jeffrey Smith, consumer advocate, exposed some of the details and studies Michael Taylor has tried to bury. “The FDA said no safety studies were necessary to put GMO foods on the market, because the person in charge lied, covering up the fact that scientists have warned against this, with potential allergies, toxins, new diseases and nutritional problems…and requested long term studies. But the opinions of these scientists were disregarded, and the FDA policy did not require safety studies or labeling for GMOs. The policy lied and said they weren’t aware of GMOs being any significantly different. The person in charge was Monsanto’s former attorney – Michael Taylor. He’s now FDA’s food safety Zsar in the Obama administration. “
Jeffrey Smith stated: “GMOs could affect everyone who eats it, because it’s released into the environment, it self-propagates the genetic pollution of the gene pool, and stays there forever. It could affect all living beings and all future generations. You would think they would have exhausted every single doubt before doing this unprecedented move of growing GMO outdoors and even putting it in the food supply. They did the exact opposite!”
The American Academy of Medicine stated: “There is so much evidence of harm in these animals being fed GMO - it’s causal, and every doctor should prescribe non-GMO diets, and the government should withdraw them”. But this was ignored by the government, which Monsanto has deep connections with.
Jeffrey stated: “Due to the secrecy and ignoring scientists’ warnings about GMO food, we only have a handful of studies showing the effects of GMO. One study showed:
Mice fed GMO soybeans for 8 months had damaged testicular, pancreatic and liver cells, reduced alpha-amylase enzymes in the pancreas by as much as 77% in 2 month old mice, and reduced digestive enzymes that digest protein. This means we may be leaving proteins in the body longer than normal because they’re not being attacked and digested by the protease digestive enzymes.”
“Also, in Monsanto’s study of GMO soybeans, there was a seven fold increase in trypsin inhibitor, which interferes with the digestive capability, making you less able to digest proteins, and this can cause gas or bloating.” It’s like leaving a piece of steak out for 3 days and then eating it. If you have smelly gas after eating it, that means you have proteins that are putrefying…not being digested and broken down to build muscles and bones.
“GMO’s are designed to make natural poisonous insecticides called Bt toxin, that break open the stomachs of bugs. Genes taken from soil bacteria are inserted into GMO foods. These foods are registered pesticides. Bt toxins are in every cell of the plant, not just the surface that’s sprayed. When bugs bite into it, it causes leaky gut…and they die. The EPA swore up and down that this was safe for humans, but this was overturned in 2012’s Journal of Applied Toxicology. They took Bt cells of corn and applied them to the human cells. It poked small holes in the cells, causing leakage. The EPA then stated not to worry, because Bt toxin is completely destroyed in the stomach…which was overturned in 2011 at Sherbrooke University Hospital, where they took blood from pregnant women and found Bt toxin present in 93% of their blood and 2/3 of non-pregnant women. It was also present in the cord blood of the fetuses. You now have a hole-poking toxin in the blood of these women, as well as the unborn fetuses, where it can end up in the brain because of the blood-brain barrier, possibly causing development problems, such as Autism.” Keep in mind that baby’s brains haven’t developed their “Blood-Brain Barrier” yet. links the dangers of gluten with autism, leaky gut, gastrointestinal disorders, decreased digestive capacity, dysbiosis of gut bacteria, immune system problems, and behavioral problems. The research is suggesting that GMO foods are actually amplifying the effect of gluten, as well as increasing food allergies and sensitivities. It’s even been demonstrated that animals even change their behavior (ie. become violent) when eating GMO foods.
When Jeffrey Smith interviewed doctors, asking them about what happens when they took their patients with IBS, IBD, Crohn’s disease, chronic diarrhea or constipation, bloating and gas, off of GMO foods, they stated that some of these problems completely went away. With animal studies, they found diarrhea, ulcers and loss of strength improved within days of taking them off.
Jeffrey stated: “Intestinal permeability may be increased by Bt toxin poking holes in human cells. One study found that genes can transfer from GMO crop into the DNA of gut bacteria, where they might continue to function. In other words, if you eat a corn chip with Bt toxin, that gene may end up in your gut bacteria and continue to function, where the Bt toxin could be produced 24/7 in your gut. If it gets washed out right away, as they claim, how could 9/10 Canadian women who don’t eat corn chips or tortillas every day, still have this in their blood (the Sherbrook University study)? More research is needed.”
“1/3 of Celiac children have this bacteria (Bt toxin), and 18% of this bacteria has never been identified in humans before…so we can surmise that it’s coming from the GMOs.”
“The active ingredient in Roundup (Glyphosate) is a broad spectrum antibiotic. It kills beneficial gut bacteria, but not E. Coli, Salmonella and botulism bacteria. IT creates gut dysbiosis in poultry and cows, and is being blamed for the epidemic of botulism (which is usually held in check by the good bacteria), is related to sudden death syndrome, and dysbiosis related to leaky gut and gluten-related disorders. When the good bacteria (bifidus) is killed off, you have more inflammation, the over growth of the bad bacteria, and if you end up with a suppressed digestive capacity, then you have excess undigested proteins that putrefy, which creates gas and feeds the pathogenic gut bacteria, and leads to more leaky gut, more undigested proteins, more inflammation, autoimmune disease, food allergies…and is even linked to autism and cancer.”
“GMOs contribute to suppressed digestive capacity by decreasing butyrate – the fuel for the intestinal lining to build new cells. It’s normally produced by good bacteria’s action on vegetable fiber. A lack of good bacteria means there will be a lack of butyrate (butyric acid), making the gut lining like a house built out of straw, increasing the risk for colon cancer. That’s why multiple studies show that low levels of butyrate increase the risk of colon cancer. The other way GMOs might reduce digestive capacity is by destroying digestive enzymes.”
“Gastrointestinal disorders increased when GMO foods were introduced. One study found villous atrophy in mice that had consumed Bt toxin in potato… it can poke holes in human cells, and Roundup kills gut bacteria. These can impact the immune system. It was found most significantly in the young and old mice in the studies. There were significant immune reactions in mice and farm workers who consumed Bt toxin. It could also increase immune loads and sensitivity to other foods, creating an adjuvant response. Food allergies are skyrocketing since GMO introduction. So it’s not just allergies to the corn and soybeans…but it can be to any food, that otherwise may have been harmless.”
Results of switching to non-GMO: Some patients get better within days, allergies and asthma 3-5 days, gastrointestinal disorders can take a few weeks, but these people had switched to organic, which introduced other co-factors. Your best bet is to reduce processed foods and eliminated gluten and/or dairy. Going organic is best.
Sources: Jeffrey Smith’s book: “Genetic Roulette – The gamble of our lives - The world’s most dangerous food scam exposed”. Also, check out:
Monsanto has current Roundup ready crops in: Soy, corn, cotton, canola, sugar beets and alfalfa. Other GMOs are Hawaiian or Chinese papaya, little zucchini, and little crookneck squash. They want to GMO wheat as well. Be sure to avoid these!
With time, most assuredly there will be more long-term studies being done with GMO foods. It is very clear that this could be one of the most devastating assaults on our health we’ve ever come across – world-wide. There are reasons other countries require “GMO labeling” on their foods – and why those people are willing to pay the extra cost of organic. The evidence is slowly coming in, but GMOs are being linked to all types of diseases and deaths, ranging from gas and bloating, to digestive problems, arthritis, neurological problems, depression, cancer…the list is becoming larger and larger.
This is a great time to live with all our technology and conveniences. But we have to protect ourselves from the hazards of our time, avoiding toxins in our environment and our foods, as much as possible. If you’re not already doing so, I urge you to avoid gluten, dairy, soy, sugar and all GMOs to avoid becoming one of the statistics and part of the unhealthiest civilized nation on the planet.
Wishing you Abundant Health and Wellness,
Dr. Filippini
Thursday, February 02, 2012 by: S. D. Wells
Tags: Michael Taylor, Monsanto, FDA
(NaturalNews) The one man who may be responsible for more food related illnesses and deaths than anyone in history, Michael R. Taylor, has just been promoted from US Food Safety Czar to Senior Advisor to the Commissioner of the FDA, a position which would enable the giant biotech company Monsanto to silently and legally feed cancer causing vegetables to every living person who is not 100% strictly organic.
President Obama has appointed the former Monsanto Vice President and lobbyist Michael R. Taylor to the throne. This is the same man who was Food Safety Czar for the FDA when Genetically Modified Organisms were allowed into the US food supply without undergoing a single test to determine their safety or risks. This is like putting a terrorist in charge of the world's food supply. What will the cancer numbers look like in 2016? (
The GMO nightmare all started with the Dan Quayle led FDA/GMO marriage. Under George Bush Senior's Administration from 1989 to 1993, Dan Quayle single-handedly catapulted GMO's into existence through FDA's anti-consumer right-to-know policy, which stated that GMO foods did not have to be labeled or safety tested. Yes, you read that correctly: There is no safety testing required whatsoever to take some Agent Orange pesticide and genetically mutate the seeds of vegetables in a chemical laboratory so that nothing on planet earth will eat the plant that grows from the ground except for all the humans who have no idea what happened.
Michael Taylor is part of a revolving door at the FDA, where Monsanto Execs just come and go as they please. First, Michael R. Taylor was an assistant to the FDA commissioner. Then he left to work for a law firm in the 1980's to help gain FDA approval of Monsanto's artificial growth hormone (rGBH), which is directly linked to cancer. Then he became deputy commissioner of the FDA in 1991, and was later re-appointed to the FDA in 2009 by Obama. He is the food villain who tried his best to keep this "malignant milk of the turn of the century" from being labeled.
Michael Taylor is the epitome of everything Monsanto represents. Taylor is like a vehicle for Monsanto's patenting of seeds and global domination of farming. He implements the government's "favorable" agricultural biotech policies because it's much more of a financially sure shot to use RoundUp in food than to farm organically and ethically. If the investments aren't paying enough at the corporation, Execs just switch over to Federal Regulations and write some new Legislation based on "tainted research", which allows them to pile more toxins on the American public and bankroll off it when they flip back to the corporate side.
The 4-headed Administration of thieves
This marks the pinnacle so far of a long ascent of evil profiteering and corporate executives making it to the top. It's like one big 4-headed company of thieves: The FDA, EPA, Supreme Court, and Monsanto's Board of Executives, and these organization hoppers include Clarence Thomas, Michael R. Taylor, Ann Veneman, and Linda Fisher, who conveniently bounce back and forth between positions at Monsanto and the EPA.
Here are just a few examples in case you didn't know: Prior to being the Supreme Court Judge who put G.W. Bush in office, Clarence Thomas was Monsanto's lawyer. The U.S. Secretary of Agriculture, Anne Veneman, was on the Board of Directors of Monsanto's Calgene Corporation. The U.S. Secretary of Health, Tommy Thompson, received $50,000 in donations from Monsanto during his winning campaign for Wisconsin's governor. The two congressmen receiving the most donations from Monsanto during the last election were Larry Combest, Chairman of the House Agricultural Committee, and Attorney General John Ashcroft. The prior Secretary of Defense, Donald Rumsfeld, was on the Board of Directors of Monsanto's Searle Pharmaceuticals.
Monsanto has the money to win in court and/or settle with anyone who opposes them. Monsanto has been sued and has settled multiple times for damaging the health of its employees and residents near its Superfund sites through pollution and poisoning. A report released in June 2011 linked glyphosate (RoundUp) to birth defects in frog and chicken embryos at dilutions much lower than those used in typical agricultural spraying (including home gardens). (
Silent Anti-Nutritional Terrorism
FDA scientists once contended that genetic modification of the food supply is the "single most radical and potentially dangerous threat to public health." In addition to producing GMO foods, Monsanto pushes dozens of other toxic products such as aspartame, bovine growth hormone, Agent Orange, Dioxin, DDT, and Roundup - all of which cause birth defects and deformities.
Constitutional checks and balances are gone for the most part in the United States, especially when it comes to writing ethical policies regarding the environment, food, medicine and drinking water. The FDA and Corporations should not bleed over into one another, and the whole concept of lobbying is just a glorified form of "legal bribery."
Monsanto conveniently tramples on antitrust violations, which the Justice Department has supposedly been investigating for years. The Supreme Court of France found Monsanto guilty of falsely advertising Roundup as "biodegradable" and "environmentally friendly." The New York State Attorney General sued Monsanto and won in 1997 for claiming RoundUp was, "safer than table salt and "practically non-toxic" to mammals, birds, and fish. More than enough scientific research reveals glyphosate, the active ingredient in RoundUp, is "acutely toxic to fish and birds and can kill beneficial insects and soil organisms that maintain ecological balance."
On two other occasions, the EPA has caught scientists deliberately falsifying test results at research laboratories hired by Monsanto to study glyphosate.
This is not just another case of a ruthless tyrant trying to become the CEO of some big company, this could be end of organic food as we know it. If Taylor takes the position of Head of the FDA, have no doubts that keeping your own seeds to any eatable plant will soon be illegal. This will endanger all of humanity by "putting all of our eggs in one basket," because GMO seeds die after one year of growth; therefore, if a Nuclear bomb wipes out their facilities and seed storages, we would have zero growth of food from that point on. That's mass genocide. Plus, illnesses from GMO foods include changes in major organs, hormonal, immune, digestive, and reproductive systems.
Does FDA stand for "Food as Drugs for America?"
Monsanto and GMO toxic bioengineering dominates the production of food through the DNA manipulation and mutation of seeds, and the unethical growing and breeding of animals, fish, and crops in the USA right now at 80% or higher: Cows, chickens, pigs, turkeys, "farm raised fish" (which means they're all juiced up with hormones and antibiotics in an overcrowded lake), milk, corn, soybeans, alfalfa (as chem-feed for cows), canola, tobacco and cotton (to infect the skin since the skin is your largest organ). GMO should be called GDDO - "genetically diseased and dying" organisms. (
What will America and the rest of the world be like when food is 95 - 98% GMO? It's not that far away if Taylor solidifies his FDA position. How high will that drive the price of organic food? This is more powerful than bombs. This is population control. Pfizer, the world's largest pharmaceutical company now basically owns Monsanto ... another big surprise, right? Combine that with FDA control over legislation and talk about the "evil tri-fecta!"
Consumers are winning some battles, however. In the wake of mass consumer pressure, major retailers such as Safeway, Publix, Wal-Mart, and Kroger and even Starbucks banned products containing Monsanto's rBGH milk. Vegetarians and vegans are on an accelerated upward population trend. The ratios have changed drastically since the anti-GMO movement began to snowball in the early 2000's, but this corporate co-op by the powers that be in Washington D.C. is a most dispiccable example of foxes guarding the chickens.
Help prevent the food Czar from becoming FDA's Senior Advisor. This petition already has over 60,000 signatures. We need 75,000 signatures. Sign the petition now. It's not too late to prevent this latest atrocity to the future of food!
Here's the link:
( (This article is from 2012)
There's no time to waste!
Sources for this article include
Learn more:
In an interview from “The Gluten Summit” hosted by Dr. Tom O’Bryan on Nov. 16, 2013, Jeffrey Smith, consumer advocate, exposed some of the details and studies Michael Taylor has tried to bury. “The FDA said no safety studies were necessary to put GMO foods on the market, because the person in charge lied, covering up the fact that scientists have warned against this, with potential allergies, toxins, new diseases and nutritional problems…and requested long term studies. But the opinions of these scientists were disregarded, and the FDA policy did not require safety studies or labeling for GMOs. The policy lied and said they weren’t aware of GMOs being any significantly different. The person in charge was Monsanto’s former attorney – Michael Taylor. He’s now FDA’s food safety Zsar in the Obama administration. “
Jeffrey Smith stated: “GMOs could affect everyone who eats it, because it’s released into the environment, it self-propagates the genetic pollution of the gene pool, and stays there forever. It could affect all living beings and all future generations. You would think they would have exhausted every single doubt before doing this unprecedented move of growing GMO outdoors and even putting it in the food supply. They did the exact opposite!”
The American Academy of Medicine stated: “There is so much evidence of harm in these animals being fed GMO - it’s causal, and every doctor should prescribe non-GMO diets, and the government should withdraw them”. But this was ignored by the government, which Monsanto has deep connections with.
Jeffrey stated: “Due to the secrecy and ignoring scientists’ warnings about GMO food, we only have a handful of studies showing the effects of GMO. One study showed:
Mice fed GMO soybeans for 8 months had damaged testicular, pancreatic and liver cells, reduced alpha-amylase enzymes in the pancreas by as much as 77% in 2 month old mice, and reduced digestive enzymes that digest protein. This means we may be leaving proteins in the body longer than normal because they’re not being attacked and digested by the protease digestive enzymes.”
“Also, in Monsanto’s study of GMO soybeans, there was a seven fold increase in trypsin inhibitor, which interferes with the digestive capability, making you less able to digest proteins, and this can cause gas or bloating.” It’s like leaving a piece of steak out for 3 days and then eating it. If you have smelly gas after eating it, that means you have proteins that are putrefying…not being digested and broken down to build muscles and bones.
“GMO’s are designed to make natural poisonous insecticides called Bt toxin, that break open the stomachs of bugs. Genes taken from soil bacteria are inserted into GMO foods. These foods are registered pesticides. Bt toxins are in every cell of the plant, not just the surface that’s sprayed. When bugs bite into it, it causes leaky gut…and they die. The EPA swore up and down that this was safe for humans, but this was overturned in 2012’s Journal of Applied Toxicology. They took Bt cells of corn and applied them to the human cells. It poked small holes in the cells, causing leakage. The EPA then stated not to worry, because Bt toxin is completely destroyed in the stomach…which was overturned in 2011 at Sherbrooke University Hospital, where they took blood from pregnant women and found Bt toxin present in 93% of their blood and 2/3 of non-pregnant women. It was also present in the cord blood of the fetuses. You now have a hole-poking toxin in the blood of these women, as well as the unborn fetuses, where it can end up in the brain because of the blood-brain barrier, possibly causing development problems, such as Autism.” Keep in mind that baby’s brains haven’t developed their “Blood-Brain Barrier” yet. links the dangers of gluten with autism, leaky gut, gastrointestinal disorders, decreased digestive capacity, dysbiosis of gut bacteria, immune system problems, and behavioral problems. The research is suggesting that GMO foods are actually amplifying the effect of gluten, as well as increasing food allergies and sensitivities. It’s even been demonstrated that animals even change their behavior (ie. become violent) when eating GMO foods.
When Jeffrey Smith interviewed doctors, asking them about what happens when they took their patients with IBS, IBD, Crohn’s disease, chronic diarrhea or constipation, bloating and gas, off of GMO foods, they stated that some of these problems completely went away. With animal studies, they found diarrhea, ulcers and loss of strength improved within days of taking them off.
Jeffrey stated: “Intestinal permeability may be increased by Bt toxin poking holes in human cells. One study found that genes can transfer from GMO crop into the DNA of gut bacteria, where they might continue to function. In other words, if you eat a corn chip with Bt toxin, that gene may end up in your gut bacteria and continue to function, where the Bt toxin could be produced 24/7 in your gut. If it gets washed out right away, as they claim, how could 9/10 Canadian women who don’t eat corn chips or tortillas every day, still have this in their blood (the Sherbrook University study)? More research is needed.”
“1/3 of Celiac children have this bacteria (Bt toxin), and 18% of this bacteria has never been identified in humans before…so we can surmise that it’s coming from the GMOs.”
“The active ingredient in Roundup (Glyphosate) is a broad spectrum antibiotic. It kills beneficial gut bacteria, but not E. Coli, Salmonella and botulism bacteria. IT creates gut dysbiosis in poultry and cows, and is being blamed for the epidemic of botulism (which is usually held in check by the good bacteria), is related to sudden death syndrome, and dysbiosis related to leaky gut and gluten-related disorders. When the good bacteria (bifidus) is killed off, you have more inflammation, the over growth of the bad bacteria, and if you end up with a suppressed digestive capacity, then you have excess undigested proteins that putrefy, which creates gas and feeds the pathogenic gut bacteria, and leads to more leaky gut, more undigested proteins, more inflammation, autoimmune disease, food allergies…and is even linked to autism and cancer.”
“GMOs contribute to suppressed digestive capacity by decreasing butyrate – the fuel for the intestinal lining to build new cells. It’s normally produced by good bacteria’s action on vegetable fiber. A lack of good bacteria means there will be a lack of butyrate (butyric acid), making the gut lining like a house built out of straw, increasing the risk for colon cancer. That’s why multiple studies show that low levels of butyrate increase the risk of colon cancer. The other way GMOs might reduce digestive capacity is by destroying digestive enzymes.”
“Gastrointestinal disorders increased when GMO foods were introduced. One study found villous atrophy in mice that had consumed Bt toxin in potato… it can poke holes in human cells, and Roundup kills gut bacteria. These can impact the immune system. It was found most significantly in the young and old mice in the studies. There were significant immune reactions in mice and farm workers who consumed Bt toxin. It could also increase immune loads and sensitivity to other foods, creating an adjuvant response. Food allergies are skyrocketing since GMO introduction. So it’s not just allergies to the corn and soybeans…but it can be to any food, that otherwise may have been harmless.”
Results of switching to non-GMO: Some patients get better within days, allergies and asthma 3-5 days, gastrointestinal disorders can take a few weeks, but these people had switched to organic, which introduced other co-factors. Your best bet is to reduce processed foods and eliminated gluten and/or dairy. Going organic is best.
Sources: Jeffrey Smith’s book: “Genetic Roulette – The gamble of our lives - The world’s most dangerous food scam exposed”. Also, check out:
Monsanto has current Roundup ready crops in: Soy, corn, cotton, canola, sugar beets and alfalfa. Other GMOs are Hawaiian or Chinese papaya, little zucchini, and little crookneck squash. They want to GMO wheat as well. Be sure to avoid these!
With time, most assuredly there will be more long-term studies being done with GMO foods. It is very clear that this could be one of the most devastating assaults on our health we’ve ever come across – world-wide. There are reasons other countries require “GMO labeling” on their foods – and why those people are willing to pay the extra cost of organic. The evidence is slowly coming in, but GMOs are being linked to all types of diseases and deaths, ranging from gas and bloating, to digestive problems, arthritis, neurological problems, depression, cancer…the list is becoming larger and larger.
This is a great time to live with all our technology and conveniences. But we have to protect ourselves from the hazards of our time, avoiding toxins in our environment and our foods, as much as possible. If you’re not already doing so, I urge you to avoid gluten, dairy, soy, sugar and all GMOs to avoid becoming one of the statistics and part of the unhealthiest civilized nation on the planet.
Wishing you Abundant Health and Wellness,
Dr. Filippini